March 10, 2023 Quarterly Upgrade 23.1 in myUF Marketplace

The myUF Marketplace Quarterly Upgrade 23.1, on March 20, 2023 will have the following enhancements:

Carts and Requisitions

Change Orders

  1. In Change Orders, the ability to bring in fully vouchered lines (not just over invoiced lines) from the PO to increase them
  2. In Change Orders, the ability to add or delete attachments from the PO
  3. In Change Orders, the ability to add internal and external comments on the PO


  1. Users can select the Match to PO Line action, which links an invoice line to a PO line for matching purposes. 

Details and Screen Shots Below (click on the screen shot to enlarge or right click and select Open Image in New Tab):


Select which ChartFields you need copied, unselect the ones you don’t want to copy, then check the destination lines:



  • Checking the box for a blank ChartField will produce blank ChartField.
  • You can copy more than one distribution down at a time, but you will need to adjust the amounts to the new line’s total.
  • If you already have a distribution on another line, copying down distributions will replace those already on that line.
  • Default settings keep the ChartFields you have checked as default for future selections. You can change this each time.

2. In Change Orders, now the ability to bring in fully vouchered lines (not just over invoiced lines) from the PO and increase them means a fully vouchered PO can be increased to pay another invoice.

Here is the link to the myUF Marketplace Toolkit for all instruction guides, including Change Orders.

3. In Change Orders, the ability to add or delete attachments from the PO is now available:

This will be recorded in the History tab of the revised purchase order when the change order merges with the PO:


  • Any attachments added to the External Notes and Attachments will be sent to the supplier.  The change order will not allow adding more attachments than 5.  The size limit per attachment cannot exceed 9.77 MB.
  • Any attachments deleted on a change order will also delete them from the purchase order when merged.

4. In Change Orders, the ability to add internal and external comments on the PO is now available:

5. Users can select the Match to PO Line action, which links an invoice line to a PO line for matching purposes. The link will update related information such as statuses or PO numbers, and it will replace the invoice line accounting codes but it will not replace any fiscal data that will alter the amount of the invoice.

Match to PO line is available during workflow and only when the invoice is assigned to the invoice approver.

*Replace with PO line is also available for invoices in the Draft/Returned folder, invoices with Detailed Entry,  and invoices on the Summary tab when the Entry tab is available.

To use, click the three dots  …   directly on the invoice line that needs to be updated and select Match to PO Line  *or Replace with PO Line:



Search for the new PO number and click the + icon to select the correct PO number

If the PO has more than one line it will display and the correct line can be selected:

The PO will now be matched to the new PO number:


Click here for a recording of the myUF Marketplace ZOOM Demo on March 15, 2023 of these new features. 

For feedback, questions or comments, please email or call 392-1331 or or call 352 392-1335.

March 15, 2023