Procurement Tip of the Month – Year End

Welcome to the new Procurement tip of the month.  A reminder of important procurement fiscal year-end dates:

  • Wednesday, June 20, 2018.
  • 5pm: Deadline for submitting myUF Marketplace requisitions and change orders on current FY appropriated, student government and concession funds: Fund codes 101-109, 111-113, 121-122, 126, 132, 191, 192, 196, 221 and 222.  Procurement will process, approve or return all appropriated, student government and concession fund change orders and requisitions by Friday, June 22.
  • 5pm: Deadline to approve PCard transactions to ensure payment on FY18 funds. PCard transactions approved in myUFL after June 20th will be applied against FY19 funds.  Charges approved between 6/21 and 7/4 will show “NEXT” as the voucher number in the PCard Paid Charges Aging report.  Voucher numbers will be assigned and processed 7/5.

Procurement Tip of the Month is a new method for Procurement Services to communicate procurement tips and ideas to campus. Our goal is to provide helpful and useful tips to our customers. You are receiving this message because you are either a current myUF Marketplace Requestor or Financial Approver.

For questions about purchasing year-end dates, please see the 2018 Year End Memo or contact, or call the Procurement Help Desk at 352 392-1335.

Published: July 27th, 2018

Category: News

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