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- November 7, 2022 Quarterly Upgrade 22.3 in myUF Marketplace
November 7, 2022 Quarterly Upgrade 22.3 in myUF Marketplace
In upgrade 22.3 you will notice the triangle action icon that appeared on the left side of the screen has now been replaced by an ellipsis, also known as the three dots (…), that can be found on the right side of your screen as seen below:
Shopping Cart Before: Shopping Cart After:
Requisition Before:Requisition After:
Purchase Order Before:Purchase Order After:
Change Request Before:Change Request After:
Invoice Before:Invoice After:
Requisition Approvers Before: Requisition Approvers After:
Change Request Approvers Before:Change Approvers After:
Another noteworthy change is that you will also now see the Supplier name at the top of the screen in requisitions, purchase orders and invoices:
For feedback, questions or comments, please email procurement@ufl.edu or call 392-1331 or myufmarketplace@ufl.edu or call 352 392-1335.
October 26,2022