New punchout for Office Environments in myUF Marketplace
UF Procurement Services is pleased to announce a new punchout in myUF Marketplace with Office Environments. This UF-dedicated website will provide you:
- Ease of use ordering with a Herman Miller Certified Dealer Office Environments here in Gainesville, Florida
- Search by category or product and sort easily
- Can view items in different colors and configurations
- Confirmation emails will be sent for orders and for quotes
- Quotes can be pulled via the punchout – please click on the punchout once to activate your name before asking for a quote
- Please use and refer to the punchout guide here
Product information or custom quotes – contact Judy Osbirn, Account Executive:
Office Environments
p: 352.224.5161 | m: 352.213-2423 | f: 352.226.8496
4210 NW 37th Place Suite 500 Gainesville FL 32606