Procurement Tip of the Month – New Screens in November 2021 and Elmore Open House

myUF Marketplace will have a new look and feel in November with new screens for shopping, carts, requisitions, purchase orders and invoices.  Would you like to see the new look now?  Shoppers, Requestors and Financial Approvers can request the “toggle” option, allowing users to toggle back and forth between the current and new look.  To request the toggle option, please put the word Toggle in the subject of an email to  or


SAVE THE DATE! Elmore Hall Open House

Elmore Hall is hosting it’s annual Open House on October 15, 2021.  Specific schedules with time for virtual product demonstrations coming soon – stay tuned.

For help with general myUF Marketplace issues, please contact the myUFMarketplace Help Desk at (352) 392-1335 or use the new online form.   For procurement questions, please email:

Published: October 7th, 2021

Category: News

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