Specialty Lab Suppliers

Contract #ITN15NH-115 – UF Contract for Scientific Equipment, Lab, and Safety Supplies



Freight Terms:

  • Free shipping for orders $10,000 or less
  • 25% off shipping for orders $10,001 or greater
  • All hazardous and packaging charges are waived

Lisa Kirouac
Genomics Specialist
P: (510) 672-3974
E: Lisa_Kirouac@Bio-Rad.com

Alexius Petrucelli
Proteomics Systems Specialist
P: (510) 631-1698
E: Alexius_Petrucelli@Bio-Rad.com

Mettler Toledo Rainin*

Andrew Harris
Sales Representative
C: 772-579-8739
E: Andrew.Harris@rainin.com

Alex Wilson – Inside Sales
C: 925-822-8903
E: Alex.Wilson@Rainin.com

Mike Paler
District Manager
C: 630-815-9578
E: michael.paler@rainin.com

Revised 2/26/24

Millipore Sigma*

Sustainability Programs

Samantha Marchetti
Account Manager
E: samantha.marchetti@milliporesigma.com

Regional Director
John Forrest
E: John.forrest@milliporesigma.com

Revised 8/15/23

New England Biolabs*

NEB Shipping charges
For all orders less than $350 (net) there is a $31.00 (begins 1/1/21) shipping charge. All orders over $350 (net) receive free shipping


Orders received Monday through Thursday by 7:30 PM (EST) are shipped the same day for next business day delivery (within carrier’s overnight delivery area)*. After 7:30 PM, but before 8:00PM (EST), please phone your order into Customer Service at 1-800-632-5227 (1-800-NEB-LABS), who can confirm if next business day delivery is still possible.

Orders placed by 7:30 PM (EST) on Friday will be shipped (with extra ice packs, as necessary) to NEB’s courier, who stores the products at the appropriate storage temperature, prior to Sunday shipment, for delivery the following Monday (or next business day) nationwide. This service is available for the same cost as our standard shipping service. Please note: Monday delivery service is not available for some products that have storage temperatures other than -20°C or require shipment on dry ice.

Benjamin Barone
US Sales Operations Manager
P: (978) 380-7282
E: Barone@neb.com

Curtis Heinsohn
Account Manager, Southeast
P: (919) 906-7909
E: cheinsohn@neb.com

Revised 3/21/24

Revvity Health Sciences, Inc.*

Henry Bené
Territory Sales Manager, Cell Counting and Image Cytometry
M: 704-923-9583
E: Henry.bene@revvity.com

Jim Hostetter
Principle Sales Specialist, High Contrast Screening
M: 703-597-6897
E: James.hostetter@revvity.com

Maurice Weaver
Principle Sales Specialist, Pre-clinical In Vivo Imaging
M: 843-260-2734
E: Maurice.Weaver@revvity.com

Deb Preis
Sales Specialist, Radiometric Reagents and Custom Synthesis
M: 508-202-2088
E: Debra.preis@revvity.com

Tina Gong
Sr. Sales Specialist, Imaging Reagents
M: 765430-1357
E: Tina.gong2@revvity.com

Jeanne Brunger
Principle Key Accounts Sales Representative, Diagnostic Products Including Newborn Screening
M: 205-746-4113
E: Jeanne.Brunger@revvity.com

For Service kindly use the following: USCAN.SERVICE@revvity.com


Jared Sandoval
Account Manager – Florida & Puerto Rico
P: 904-793-3041
E: jared.sandoval@qiagen.com

Sun Surgical

Darrell Johnson
Sales Manager
P: (352) 377-2696

Revised 1/8/24

Thermo Fisher Scientific*

John Collins
LSG Acct Mgr III
P: (678) 459-7104
E: john.collins@thermofisher.com

Brian Alvarado
LSG Acct Mgr II dedicated to UF Gainesville
P: (352) 359-4501
E: javier.alvarado@thermofisher.com

Shelina Folsom
Genetic Analysis Applications Representative, FL (Real Time PCR and Sequencing Reagents)
P: (404) 782-0693
E: shelina.folsom@lifetech.com

Heather Zuschke
District Manager
P: (614) 439-5119
E: heather.zuschke@thermofisher.com

Joan McGuire
District Sales Manager
P: (404) 431-4401

Revised 9/27/23

USA Scientific*

Terri Gunter
Account Manager
P: 1-800-872-3847 x532
C: 352-765-9343

Eric Thelen
Sales Director
P: 1-800-872-3847 x 546
E: ethelen@usascientific.com

Revised 7/25/24


Trevis Prince
Sales Representative
P: 352-213-6186
E: Trevis.Prince@avantorsciences.com

Carolina McClung
Director, Regional Sales
E: Carolina.McClung@avantorsciences.com


All questions concerning this contract should be directed to UF Procurement at procurement@ufl.edu or (352) 392-1331.

A “*” next to a supplier’s name indicates a supplier catalog is available for electronic ordering through myUF Marketplace.