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Welcoming UF GO team members!

Effective April 12, 2024, the Travel and PCard staff will become a single UF GO team.  This reorganization will provide a single team, one service desk with increased support, and new opportunities to evaluate and update UF GO resources, including enhanced outreach to the UF GO Ambassadors. UF GO website | CFO CFO ( UF […]

October 24 2023 – Procurement Drop In: Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) Suppliers

October 24 2023 – Procurement Drop In: Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) Suppliers Zoom session video – 13:11   Educational Zoom Drop Ins Archive

Procurement Tip of the Month – Support a Small Local Business and Information on Educational Sessions

Support a small, local business! – Use UF’s Contract for Office Supplies – Office Depot & Mister Paper Business Products Did you know that UF’s contract for Office Supplies supports a small, local and diverse business?  Office Depot provides the electronic catalog and products, in partnership with Mister Paper Business Products, who handles all deliveries, […]

Procurement Tip of the Month – Monthly Procurement Zoom Sessions, Price Increases, Fisher Live Pricing and new OEC punchout

New! Educational Zoom Sessions from Procurement January 31, 2022 10 – 11 AM: Requisition Reviewers What to Look For February 16, 2022 3 – 4 PM How/When to do Confirmation POs March 18, 2022 11-12 PM Change Orders How and When April 13, 2022 2-3 PM Sole Source – Completing the Form The Zoom link […]

Procurement Tip of the Month – Change Orders: What You Can and Cannot Do and Holiday Reminders

What You Can’t and Can Do with Change Orders Below are the most common errors with change orders.   With a change order, you can’t do the following: ·         Change ChartFields on a Vouchered Line ·         Change PO Business Unit ·         Change Ship To or Bill To ·         Change a supplier   With a change […]

Procurement Tip of the Month – Contracts for Services, new myUF Marketplace look and Elmore Open House

Contracts for Services When hiring a service provider, rather than accepting their contract, insert their scope of work into the UF’s Contract For Services template (found on the Procurement Website under Forms).  Using UF’s contract will expedite Procurement approval, as the built in terms and conditions comply with UF regulation, policy and Florida Statute. For […]

Procurement Tip of the Month – New Screens in November 2021 and Elmore Open House

myUF Marketplace will have a new look and feel in November with new screens for shopping, carts, requisitions, purchase orders and invoices.  Would you like to see the new look now?  Shoppers, Requestors and Financial Approvers can request the “toggle” option, allowing users to toggle back and forth between the current and new look.  To […]

Procurement Tip of the Month – Best Practices for Creating New Fiscal Year Requisitions

Annual Services Requisitions (e.g. Equipment Maintenance) Use Services Request Form For equipment maintenance, include equipment make/model and Asset ID Number (if applicable) in the Description, along with the location of the equipment to be covered Attach a copy of the service agreement, contract, quote, etc. Use the instruction guide, Shopping Using a Form for Service, […]

Procurement Tip of the Month – Procurement and PCard Year-End Dates

CRITICAL YEAR-END DATES  June 18, 2021 Last day to submit a requisition using FY21 appropriated funds. This applies to fund codes 101-109, 111-113, 121-122, 126, 132, 191, 196, 221 and 222. Last day to submit a change request on appropriated funds. June 23, 2021 Last day to approve PCard Transactions to ensure payment from FY21 […]

Procurement Tip of the Month – When to use the Agreement Intake Form

When to use the Agreement Intake Form: Use the Agreement Intake Form (AIF) when an agreement or contract needs Procurement’s review/signature and a Requisition would not be appropriate. The Agreement Intake Form is used in lieu of emailing the agreement or contract to Procurement. A requisition would not be appropriate when: The event/service/item will be […]