Procurement Tip of the Month – Critical Year-End Dates
June 6, 2019 PO Reconciliation Process will run. For a list of POs that will be affected and additional information on the PO Reconciliation Process go to: June 14, 2019 Last day to submit a requisition in myUF Marketplace using FY19 appropriated funds. This applies to fund codes 101-113, 121, 122, 126, 132, 191-192, […]
Procurement Tip of the Month – Helpful Hints
When to use the Agreement Intake Form instead of a requisition: Use the Agreement Intake Form (AIF) when an agreement or contract needs Procurement’s review/signature and a Requisition would not be appropriate. A requisition would not be appropriate when: The event/service/item will be paid for using a PCard. The agreement or contract is to secure […]
Household and Laboratory Moves for Summer 2019
The university relocates most of our new incoming faculty and staff during the summer. Summer is also the busiest time of year for the moving industry. Procurement asks that departments who will be arranging relocations do so now for moves that will occur during the summer of 2019. Remember that new hires should have accepted the offer of employment prior to arranging relocation. Please allow Procurement Service at least 60 days advance notice of a move.
Procurement Tip of The Month – All About Change Orders
To request a change to a Purchase Order, complete the Change Order Request form in myUF Marketplace. For help with completing the Change Order Request form, review the instruction guide Submitting a Change Request in myUF Marketplace. Change orders can be created for the following reasons: What cannot be changed: Vendor, business unit, or ChartField […]
Procurement Tip of the Month – Vendor Insurance Requirements
Vendors providing services on UF property and/or in UF buildings must be properly insured. The approval of requisitions to vendors providing services may be delayed if the vendor does not have current insurance on file at UF Procurement that meets UF’s requirements. In order to assist Shoppers and Requestors in determining if a vendor […]
Procurement Tip of the Month – When to Use the Agreement Intake Form vs a Requisition in myUF Marketplace
The Agreement Intake Form should be used when an agreement or contract needs Procurement’s review/signature and a requisition would not be appropriate. For example: A contract to secure conference space and/or catering for a future event (and funds will be encumbered at a later date) Paying for the event or service with a PCard It […]
Procurement Tip of the Month – Best Practices for Creating New Fiscal Year Requisitions
For Annual Service Requisitions, Use the Standard Service Request Form. For equipment maintenance, include equipment make/model and Asset ID Number and building/room location (if applicable) in the Description. Attach a copy of the service agreement, contract, quote, etc. along with the necessary additional quotations. Refer to the instruction guide, Shopping Using a Form for Service. […]
New Temporary Employee Services Contract with TempForce
UF Procurement Services is pleased to announce that TempForce will continue to provide temporary employee services via a new agreement. Some details of the new agreement: Effective 7/1/18 through 6/30/22. Updated pricing that will result a in cost reduction for the vast majority of the currently utilized positions. Access to benefits such as: Paid Time […]
Procurement Tip of the Month – Year End
Welcome to the new Procurement tip of the month. A reminder of important procurement fiscal year-end dates: Wednesday, June 20, 2018. 5pm: Deadline for submitting myUF Marketplace requisitions and change orders on current FY appropriated, student government and concession funds: Fund codes 101-109, 111-113, 121-122, 126, 132, 191, 192, 196, 221 and 222. Procurement will […]
Procurement Process Demystified
Do you think the procurement process is hard to understand? This article from UF At Work is just for you.