Purchase Order Reconciliation Process

Last revised 5/3/2024

What is PO Recon?

PO Recon is a Reconciliation Process where PeopleSoft closes purchase orders which have no activity.  Reminder: Purchase orders should be closed or rolled annually.

For this Fiscal Year End 2024, PO Recon will close Purchase Orders that have had no invoices or change orders since July 1, 2023.

Procurement Reconciliation Process Q and A

Will I be able to see a list of POs that are going to be affected by PO RECON?

Yes. UF Procurement will email  UFACC, Requestor and Financial Approvers as well as post on the Home Page of myUF Marketplace that PO Recon will run and to please review the list of POs to close. To sign up for the UFACC, visit this site http://www.fa.ufl.edu/departments/general-accounting/staying-informed/.

Click here for a list of POs to be closed for Departmental Review as of May 3, 2024.  Each department will be able to review the list by downloading the list and filtering by PO Business Unit in Column A. For example, if you are in Chemistry, you can filter by PO Business Unit = 1612.

I want a PO to stay open, but it is on the PO RECON list. How can I make a request to keep a PO out of the PO RECON process and not be closed?

Email procurement@ufl.edu with PO RECON in the subject. Please include the four-digit PO Business Unit, PO number, and a valid reason the PO should not be closed. These requests must be submitted to procurement@ufl.edu by Friday May 10th, 2024.

An example of a valid business reason is “the equipment is still backordered”. UF is still going to receive and pay for the equipment in the future.

A purchase order from my department is on the list for PO reconciliation and isn’t needed anymore. What do I need to do?

Nothing! POs on the list will be completed by the reconciliation process and any remaining funds will be released. No action is required if you want the PO to close.

How can I see the status of a PO?

To see what status a PO is in, navigate in myUFL to Main Menu > Financials > Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Review PO Information > Purchase Orders and enter your PO Business Unit. Here you will find all POs regardless of their status or age. POs in Complete status are closed and cannot be used to pay a vendor and have been relieved of encumbrance. POs in Dispatched status are open to have invoices paid against them. Completed POs do not appear on Enterprise Reporting Open Encumbrance reports.

If you have the UF FI Query Viewer role in myUFL, you can use this query to find your open purchase orders: UF_PO_OPEN_PO_BY_BU 

Enter your PO Business Unit to get results.

Can my completed purchase order be reopened?

Reopening POs is rarely appropriate and is not a request that can be submitted via change request. If you have questions about policy, email procurement@ufl.edu.

What happened to the funds that were encumbered on my PO before it was completed PO?

The funds should have released the encumbrances when the PO Recon process ran.

My department has a multi-line PO that has been vouchered and has gone through PO RECON, but one line remains open for vouchering and is holding encumbrance. Why isn’t the last line closed?

POs that have multiple lines can be vouchered without using all lines of the PO. For example, a 5 line PO is used in a voucher. PO Lines 1-4 are vouchered against and Lines 1-4 are finalized. Line 5 has never been used in a voucher. When PO lines 1-4 were finalized, Line 5 was not affected. myUFL does not close Line 5 or release encumbrance since there is not indication the line is not wanted. So, it remains open with encumbrance. To request the “line 5” be closed and the PO be completed, you may close the PO in myUF Marketplace using this guide. Remember closed POs budget check overnight in myUFL to release encumbrances.

During the year-end process, do I need to finalize a voucher if my PO has already been closed by PO reconciliation?

No. POs that are closed should be relieved of all encumbrance. If encumbrance appears to be still associated with a closed encumbrance, email procurement@ufl.edu with the PO BU, PO number, and a screenshot or attachment showing the encumbrance that was not relieved. Please put “Open Encumbrance” and the PO number in the subject of the email.