Training is available online to help employees learn about PCard processes. To register and take courses, login to myUFL, then navigate to My Self Service > Training and Development > myTraining. To search for the PCard courses, click in the Activity Search box, then enter the appropriate course name or number.
myUFL Toolkits
Please be sure to refer to the Procurement Toolkit for PCard instruction guides and web simulations and the Budget and Commitment Control Toolkit for more information on completing budget transactions.
UGO500 – PCards at UF: What Every PCard Holder Needs to Know
- Cardholders and all levels of Approvers
- To be completed every two years
UGO100 – Introduction to UFGO: For access to UF GO
- Travelers, PCard holders, Supervisors, Delegates, and Travel Arrangers
UGO200 – UF GO: What Approvers Need to Know:
- Approvers, Ad-hoc Approvers, and Delegate Approvers
- To be completed every two years
For DSOs only – PST978 PCard for Approvers/Reconcilers
Updated: 3/8/24