– Who can have a PCard?

– How do I get a PCard?

– What should my single and cycle limits be?

– How long will it take to get my new PCard?

– What is my Activation Code?

– What is my Phone Number?

– How often is online training required?

– What do I do with my receipts?

– What do I do if I’m charged sales tax?

– What is my “Bill To” address and phone number?

– Do I have to buy from a contract vendor?

– How do I dispute a charge?

– How long does it take to see charges in UF GO?

– How long do I have to approve PCard charges?

– What is a sufficient description for a PCard transaction?

– What is splitting a transaction?

– What is the University of Florida Federal Tax ID Number?

– Where can I find the UF Tax Exempt Certificate?

– How are charges paid?

– Who Pays for the PCard?

– What is a Proxy?

– What do I do when a Cardholder or Proxy leaves (retires, terminates, changes departments)?

– How do I process a PCard rebate or refund?

– What is my daily spending limit?

– How do I process a Journal Entry for a PCard voucher?

– What do I do when I get my new card?


Who Pays for the PCard?

Your department pays PCard charges. Be sure your department has the appropriate budget available before making a charge. For instructions on how to check your budget see the following:

How are charges paid?

The process is the same as any other credit card. Merchants are paid by our bank at the time a charge is made. In turn, we repay the bank when individual transactions are approved in myUFL. Rather than the typical monthly statement the bank sends a daily electronic statement for each transaction; this is what appears in myUFL.

How do I get a PCard?

The steps to getting a PCard are:

  • Take the PCard specific Training, and pass the assessments.
  • Complete a PCard Application and have it approved by your Dean, Director, or Department Head.
  • Send the signed PCard Application to the PCard Team at pcard@ufl.edu.single

How long does it take to get a PCard?

Once a card has been ordered, you should receive your card between 15 and 20 business days. You will receive an email notification to let you know when your PCard has been ordered. The email will include instructions on what to do when you receive the new card.

If you do not get your card in three weeks of getting the email notification contact the PCard Team at pcard@ufl.edu or 352-392-1331.

What do I do when I get my new card?

When you get your new card:

  • Check that your name is spelled correctly.  If not notify the PCard Team
  • Sign the back of the card.  DO NOT PUT “See ID”.  Cards are not valid unless they are signed by the cardholder
  • Activate the card – there are two activation options.
  • • Activate the card by calling the phone number listed on the sticker on your card. You will be prompted to enter your:
    o Verification ID = zero followed by your UFID
    o PCard phone number = 352-392-1331
    • When you call you will you will be prompted to create a PIN.

Other items of importance:

  • Billing Address – The address associated with your card is the address where the card was sent and can be found on the page your PCard came attached to.  Keep that page in a secure but convenient place – it has your card number on it and the number to call if your card is lost or stolen.
  • Tax Exemption Certificate – Get a wallet sized tax Consumer’s Certificate of Exemption (Tax Exempt Certificate) from your department’s PCard/fiscal office or the PCard Team.  You can find a full-size version at the link above.

What do I do if I’m charged sales tax?

As an entity of the State of Florida, UF is except from paying Florida sales tax.  If you forget to tell a Florida vendor we are tax-exempt, contact them and ask if they will credit the tax back to your PCard.  You may need to provide the vendor with a copy of our Consumer’s Certificate of Exemption.   Note – Vendors are not required to honor our tax-exempt status, but you should always ask if they will.

What do I do with my receipts?

Receipts and other documentation are to be given to your delegates or uploaded to UF GO within five days of making a charge. Delegates/cardholders are required to electronically attach documentation to transactions in UF GO before an expense report can be submitted for approval. If documentation is not provided timely, it can delay the approval of your charges, which could result in the suspension of your PCard.

What is the University of Florida Federal Tax ID Number?

Federal Tax ID # 59-6002052

Where can I find the UF Tax Exempt Certificate?

The Consumer’s Certificate of Exemption (Tax Exempt Certificate) can be found on Finance and Accounting’s web site.

How do I process a PCard rebate or refund?

If you receive a cash rebate or refund for a PCard purchase, see the Create and Submit a General Reimbursement Expense Report Guide on how to deposit the monies.

How often is online training required?

Training is required to apply for a PCard or to become a proxy.
Thereafter it is to be completed every two years.

For a list of training courses see Training section of the Alphabetical Index.

What is my “Bill To” address and phone number?

Your “bill to” address is on the mailer your card was attached to. It is typically a department’s PO Box or physical address. If you are unsure what address to use check with your department’s fiscal/PCard staff or ask the PCard Team via email to pcard@ufl.edu 

Your Bill to Phone Number is (352)392-1331.

How do I process a Journal Entry for a PCard voucher?

Please refer to the Online Journal Entry Instruction Guide. Training and Development also offers an online class – PST056 Journal Entry: Online Entry. For assistance please contact General Account at (352) 392-1326, or GAHelp@admin.ufl.edu.

How long does it take to see my charges in UF GO?

On average it takes three to five days for charges to appear in UF GO. The timing can depend on the merchant, if charges are made in-store or online, if the charge is actually made at the time an order is placed or at time it is shipped, etc. (Revised 7/23)

How do I dispute a charge?

Please refer to the Disputing a Charge section of the Alphabetical Index.

What is a sufficient description for a PCard transaction?

The best descriptions provide as much detail possible. For the purchase of commodities, use a simple listing of the items purchased in the order of price. If what was purchased is not obvious, include the business purpose. For travel charges, the description should include the business purpose and Travel Authorization (TA) number if available. If travel is for someone other than the cardholder, include the traveler’s name. If there is not enough room in the Description field, you can enter additional information in Comments section. When using the Comments section, please enter “See Comments” in the Description field.

What is splitting a transaction?

Splitting a transaction is dividing a charge into multiple transactions to circumvent the card’s single transaction limit to avoid doing a purchase order. Splitting charges is considered misuse and can lead to suspension or revocation of PCard privileges. If you must make a purchase over your limit you may request a temporary increase. See the Limits on PCard section on the PCard Alphabetical Index.

What is a Proxy?

A Proxy is the term used to describe an employee who processes PCard charges.  Proxies can view, verify, or approve transactions.  Proxies should have budget authority appropriate for the role they perform.  They should also have the authority and support to question transactions which concern them.

What do I do when a Cardholder or Proxy leaves (retires, terminates, changes departments)?

Notify the PCard Team as soon as possible.  Send an email to pcard@ufl.edu which includes the person’s name, UFID, and reason:

For terminations – The date of termination and if they are a cardholder and/or a proxy.

For department transfers – When a cardholder is transferring to another department it is very important the cardholder stop using the card as soon as possible. The current (old) department should request the card be suspended pending the transfer. This will prevent charges being charged to the wrong department. The new department must request the card be transferred to their department by submitting an updated PCard Application.

For proxies – Access for proxies needs to be removed to prevent them from approving charges they are no longer authorized to process.

How long do I have to approve PCard charges?

The University’s policy is that all PCard transactions are to be approved in 15 calendar days or less.

What is my daily PCard spending limit?

There is not a “daily spending limit”.  PCards have a single transaction limit and a cycle limit. Contact the PCard Team if you are unsure what your limits are.

Do I have to buy from a Contract Vendor?

Yes, whenever possible. It is best to buy from University or State contracted vendors via myUF Marketplace because they offer better pricing and/or additional services such as extended warranties. However, if an item is not available from a contract vendor or you find a lower price you may make the purchase from another vendor.

What should my single and cycle limits be?

Transactions limits are determined by your department. They should be as low as possible but still meet your purchasing needs. Lower limits help minimize risk.

Single transaction limit – The amount one single charge cannot exceed. The maximum limit allowed is $2,000.

Cycle limit – The amount that can be charged in the weekly cycle (Wed through Tue). The maximum limit allowed is $10,000.

Who can have a PCard?

UF staff, faculty, graduate assistants, and OPS (technical and professional) employees who must make purchases or travel for official University business are eligible to have a PCard. PCards may not be issued to students who are not employees. PCards are issued to individual UF employees whose dean, director, or department chair authorize the request.

What is my Activation Code?

Your activation code is zero followed by your UFID

What is my Phone Number?

Your phone number is the PCard corporate number, 352-392-1331