The links at on the right will take you to information regarding policies and procedures related to the use of PCards at UF.
There are three options to activate your card:
- Visit to activate your card, choose your PIN, and set up alerts. You will need your verification ID which is zero followed by your UFID
- Download the Global Card Access app – using the app you can see recent transactions, your credit limit, available balance, view your PIN, lock and unlock your card.
- Call 888-233-8855. You will be prompted to enter:
- Verification ID – Zero followed by your UFID
- PCard phone number – 352-392-1331.
- Create a PIN
Address (Pcard Billing)
Your PCard billing address where you received the card. It can be found on the mailer your PCard was attached to.
Address can only be official University addresses. A home address cannot be used.
Air Card
The Air Card is virtual payment method used when purchasing airfare using the UF GO Booking Tool or directly with World Travel Services, our travel agency.
It is available to all UF GO users and official UF guests. There is not a single purchase limit (like PCard) so it should be selected as the payment method when purchasing airfare over your PCard limit.
Questions regarding the Air Card should be addressed to UF Travel. You may contact them using the PCard and Travel Support Contact Form found on their website
When traveling on authorized UF business, there are three payment options available. The UF “Air Card”, the PCard, and personal funds.
- Air Card – Can be selected as the payment option for airfare and related expenses (e.g., agent fees) booked through the UF GO booking tool or directly with World Travel Services, the University’s authorized travel agent.
- PCard – Use of the Air Card is preferred, however the PCard can be used to purchase airfare in keeping with UF Travel Directives
- Personal Funds – Using personal funds and being reimbursed is a last resort. Funds will not be reimbursed until after a trip is completed.
- First Class – The University will pay commercial airfares for economy/coach accommodations. First class transportation is not allowed. Business class travel will be acceptable on flights lasting longer than 9 hours. If first class travel is preferred, the traveler is responsible for the difference between coach and first-class rates and this difference MUST NOT be charged to the PCard.
- Other Employees – The PCard can be used to pay for other university travelers while on official University Business. Separate receipts are required for each traveler.
- Non-Employees – All travel directives apply to all non-University of Florida employees (e.g., students, prospective employees, speakers, consultants) when traveling at the University’s expense.
- Cancellations
Penalties for cancellation may be paid from university funds only if the cause for cancellation is in the best interest of the University or due to illness of the traveler or a member of the traveler’s immediate family. If the ticket is canceled for the convenience of the traveler, the cancellation fee must be paid by the traveler. See UF’s Travel Directives and Procedures.
If a cancellation is necessary:
• Cancel the flight immediately. Normally the airlines will charge a minimal fee for canceling a non-refundable ticket.
• To verify the cancellation fee is allowable, you must file a Expense Report (ER) which includes a justification stating the business reason the airfare was canceled.
• If a ticket is canceled for the convenience of the traveler, the cancellation may not be reimbursed from State funds. - The PCard cannot be used for travel expenses for spouses and other family members unless their travel is also for official business. (Revised 7/2023)
The PCard must not be used to make purchases from Amazon Business. Shopping with Amazon Business is done via myUF Marketplace so purchases will be made by requisition/PO rather than PCard. See the Amazon Business is in myUF Marketplace section of our website for additional information. (Revised 9/2022)
Applying for a Pcard
To apply for a PCard, complete the PCard Training and submit a PCard Application in my UFL. Instructions are available in the UF GO Expense Toolkit: Apply for New PCard. Applications are approved by the UF GO Financial Approver associated with the department entered on the application.
Cardholders will be notified when their card is ordered, at which point you can expect to receive it in 7-10 days. Cards will be sent to the UF address provided on the PCard Application, which will also be the card’s billing address. The email notice includes information on how to activate the card. (Revised 9/2024)
The PCard cannot be used to purchase assets (aka OCO). Assets are defined as any tangible, non-consumable property where the cost is $5,000 or more, and the normal expected life is one year or more. This includes non-library hardbound books costing $250 or more. For more information, please see the Asset Management Directives and Procedures. (Revised 7/2023)
Bank Contact Information
To contact the bank, call the Customer Service phone number listed on the back of your card – 888-449-2273
For verification purposes, they may email a reference number to your UF email address, or ask the following security questions:
Verification ID = zero followed by your UFID
Phone Number = 352-392-1331
Email = your UF email address
Program Administrator = Kelsey Prange
Sign up for Mobile Alerts which can be helpful is managing your account.
If additional assistance is required contact the PCard Team at or 352-392-1331. (Revised 1/2022)
Billing Address
The billing address for PCards is the cardholder’s departmental or physical address, as determined by their department. If you do not know your PCard billing address check your card mailer; the paper your card came attached to. You may also ask the PCard Team by sending an email to
Due to the increase in fraud, some online vendors require the billing addresses on orders to exactly match the card billing address. If the addresses do not match charges may not go through. If you have an online charge decline double check you have entered the billing address correctly.
If your shipping address is different than your billing address be sure to tell vendors each time. Some merchants will not ship to a PO Box. If you are having issues related to your PCard billing address the address may need to be changed. Please contact the for assistance.
Note – Items should only be sent to an official university address.
The billing phone number is (352) 392-1331. The PCard Team’s phone number is used to ensure problems with a card can be addressed timely. (Revised 1/2022)
Business Purpose
A business purpose is required to be documented for all PCard transactions. A business purpose is a concise statement which provides a level of detail needed for an independent party to easily identify the legitimate reason for a purchase and its benefit to the University. The business purpose should clearly establish why an expense occurred, not restate what was purchased.
A statement of business purpose should meet the following requirements:
- The use must be reasonable and benefit the University
- The use must fall within the funding entities intent/color of money
- The use must comply with all applicable laws and regulations
Examples: Acceptable Business Purpose
- Nitrogen used in the preservation of tissue samples
- Shipping of protein samples to Scully-Castle Research for testing of river-tam microbial
- Dreamweaver software needed for online annual financial report
- Lunch for annual department strategic goals retreat
Examples: Unacceptable Business Purpose
- To support research
- Shipping charges
- Pens, markers, paper
- Sandwiches and drinks
(Revised 2/2023)
Cancelling Cards
To cancel a PCard, notify the PCard Team as soon as possible.
- Cancellations may be requested by a cardholder or by a department.
- Stop using the card immediately.
- Email the name and UFID of the cardholder whose card needs to be cancelled.
- Note the reason the card is being canceled (retirement, termination, job change, etc.).
- Be sure all receipts for outstanding charges have been given to the reconciler/approver. Failure to do so could result in unreconciled charges being deducted from the employee’s exit paycheck.
- Cards can be destroyed, they do not need to be sent to the PCard Team.
Department Transfers – When a cardholder transfers to another department, his or her PCard can be moved to the new department. However, the option to transfer the card is up to the old department. The old department may prefer the card canceled rather than transferred.
Any function on campus where food and/or beverages is offered and purchased with University funds must use a University of Florida-approved caterer. A list of caters can be found at Business Services Division list of UF Approved Caterers. See the UF Catering – Business Services Business Services ( website FAQ’s for more information.
A purchase order is recommended, but invoices may also be paid unencumbered. Click on the following link for more details about the invoice approval process within myUF Marketplace: Catering Invoice Approval Process. This rule does not apply to off campus locations. (Revised 2/2023)
Cell Phones
Cell phones and service are governed by UF’s Directives and Procedures regarding Telecommunication: Responsibilities, Cell Phones, Wireless Devices, Internet Charge.
The PCard can only be used in conjunction with Option 2.
Chip & PIN
What cardholders need to know about chip & PIN cards:
First time cardholders – PINs are created when you call to activate your new card. Follow the instructions on the mailer your card came attached to. The phone number is 888-233-8855.
You may be prompted to enter the following information:
Account number = the credit card number
Verification ID = zero followed by your UFID
PCard phone number = 352-392-1331
Renewals/Replacement – PINs remain the same.
If you do not remember or wish to change your PIN visit the website. You will be prompted for the information noted above. See the Registering and Retrieving Your PCard PIN Instruction Guide for assistance.
Chip & PIN technology is designed to help prevent fraud at point of sale transactions. The technology does not prevent online fraud or data breaches. Caution should always be used when shopping online. You should never be asked for a PIN when shopping online.
Not all merchant terminals require a PIN, some are still swipe and sign. However, the need for PINs is increasing so it is best to know your PIN when shopping in stores.
If a PIN is entered incorrectly you have up to four consecutive attempts to enter the correct number. After the fourth failed attempt the card will be blocked, and you will need to contact the bank at 888-449-2273. You may be asked for your verification ID which is zero followed by your UFID.
Code of Ethics
As employees of a state university, we hold positions of public trust and are expected to carry out our professional duties with integrity, in promotion of the public interest, and in compliance with Florida Code of Ethics.
As UF employees, we are all responsible for safeguarding the university’s resources. We must be above suspicion in our handling of UF funds. Even the appearance of impropriety can be harmful to UF’s reputation. Unethical activities made with grant funds can not only harm UF’s reputation but could cause the loss of current and future funding.
This is especially true with PCard purchases made because they do not have prior review or approval. Cardholders, and those who process their transactions, are accountable for purchases made on behalf of the University.
All PCard purchases must:
- Have a clear and defendable business purpose.
- Be relevant and appropriate for UF’s mission.
- Must have written documentation suitable for auditing purposes.
Regardless of whether we are fiscal administrators or hold some other UF role, we can do things each day to be good financial stewards:
- Ensure work is done properly and that errors are promptly corrected.
- Take all reasonable steps to safeguard assets against waste, loss, unauthorized use, and misappropriation.
- Adhere to all policies and procedures.
- Report any indications of fraud to other activities of concern to your supervisor or UF Compliance and Ethics.
Reference UF’s Internal Control Checklist website and the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, Chapter 112 Part III, Florida Statutes (Revised 12/2020)
Conference Registrations
Please refer to UF’s Travel Directives and Procedures for additional information.
The PCard may be used to pay registration fees for conferences, conventions, or seminars. This includes those where the registration fee includes meals or social events. Optional events, those with separate fees, cannot be paid via PCard. Optional events must be paid for by the traveler.
Travel Requests, required for all travel relating to conferences/conventions, must be done BEFORE making charges. The Travel Request number must be written on receipts and other supporting payment documentation. (Revised 7/2023)
Conflict of Interest
Employees are prohibited from doing business with a company in which they have a personal interest.
It shall be a breach of ethical standards for any employee of the University to participate directly or indirectly in the purchasing process when the employee knows that:
- He/she or any member of his/her immediate family will benefit from a University purchasing transaction.
- A business or organization in which he/she, or any member of his/her family, (spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters) has a financial interest and will benefit from a University purchasing transaction.
- Any other person, business or organization with whom he/she or any member of his/her immediate family, is negotiating or has an arrangement for employment and will ultimately benefit from a University purchasing transaction.
- All employees having a financial interest in a private concern shall file a statement annually with the University disclosing such interest.
- All individuals taking part in the development or selection of criteria for evaluation, the evaluation process, and the contract award process in any purchase shall be independent of, and have no conflict of interest in the entities evaluated and selected.
For more information on Conflict of Interest see the UF Policy on Conflict of Interest and Outside Activities or the Procurement Directive on Employee Conflict of Interest. (Revised 7/30/2020)
Before making any purchase, you should always check UF and State contracts first. UF and State Procurement have negotiated excellent prices with a variety of vendors. Items covered by contract should be purchased from the contracted vendor.
Procurement has many resources available to assist with your purchasing needs. Check the Contracts section of this site for information and updates on University and State of Florida contracts.
You may also check for minority vendors as potential suppliers using the Small Business Relations webpage.
Before you make a PCard purchase check what is available via myUFMarketplace. (Revised 7/2023)
Credits and Debits
In UF GO all transactions are required to have supporting documentation attached. In the case of credits, there often is no document. In those cases, use the same document that was used for the related debit. In the purchase description reference the related debit and use the same chartfield string. (Revised 7/2023)
Declined Charges
Sometimes charges will be declined. There are various reasons a charge might not go through:
It is over your single transaction limit
It puts you over your cycle limit
The merchant is restricted
The bank has placed a hold on your account
The billing address information may be incorrect
For assistance you may contact the bank. Call the Customer Service phone number listed on the back of your card – 888-449-2273. For verification purposes, you may be asked for the following information:
Verification ID = zero followed by your UFID
Phone Number = 352-392-1331
Email =
For further assistance contact the PCard Team at or 352-392-1331. (Revised 7/2023)
Department Transfer
If a cardholder is transferring to another department that will also require them to have a PCard, their existing card should be transferred to the new department once their position has been updated with UF HR. This allows the cardholder to begin their purchasing duties as soon as they start their new position and is more efficient than ordering a new card.
The cardholder/old department:
- Best practice is to stop making charges for at least two weeks before the transfer.
- Dissociate card with any merchants who automatically charge, i.e., FedEx, monthly services, or annual renewals.
- Submit/process outstanding charges before leaving.
- It is the cardholder’s responsibility to ensure charges are submitted timely, regardless of what department they are affiliated with.
- It is the old department’s responsibility to ensure they continue to approve any transactions made on the department’s behalf, even if the charge(s) post(s) to UF GO after the cardholder has left the unit.
The new department/cardholder:
- Submit an updated PCard Application in myUFL. Instructions are available in the UF GO Expense Toolkit: Update Existing Card.
- The cardholder will be notified when the transfer is complete.
- The cardholder can add delegates as needed to allow their new department to begin processing their new charges and should work with their new department’s fiscal staff to ensure they add the correct individuals as delegates. Instructions are available in the UF GO Profile Toolkit: Manage Delegates. Delegates from their old department can be removed when all charges for that unit have been fully approved. (Revised 9/2024)
Directives and Procedures
- Disbursement’s Directive and Procedures, Expenditures for information related to expenditure policies, fund sources, and guidelines for certain types of expenditures, etc.
- Procurement’s Directives and Procedures for information related to UF purchasing processes, certain types of expenditures, contracts, quotes, bids, etc.
Direct Support Organizations
DSOs are entities who are directly affiliated with UF but do not belong to UF. Though separate from UF, their funds are managed via myUFL. They do not use UF GO. (Revised 7/2023)
Disputing a Charge
- What if there is a problem with one of your purchases? If there is a problem with a charge you did make and you are unable to resolve it directly with the merchant, you may ask the bank’s help by filing a dispute. Examples of disputable items are the wrong item was sent or you were overcharged. (Disputes should never be filed for charges you did not make. If you do not recognize a charge, contact the PCard Team for assistance.)There are two steps to the dispute process:
1. Informal Dispute- Try to resolve the issue directly with the merchant. Most merchants will work with customers to resolve any issues will issue a credit as needed. If you have problems talking to a representative ask to speak with a manager or supervisor.
- Document your efforts. Make notes of your conversations; include the dates and names of who you spoke with. Save emails, receipts, order forms, packing slips, etc.
- Tell your delegate/approver there is a problem and keep them apprised of what is happening.
- Credits must be applied to your PCard.
- Formal Dispute
If you are unable resolve the problem directly with the merchant, you should file a formal dispute requesting the bank’s assistance.
- Claims must be filed within 60 days of the transaction posting date.
- Cardholders should report claims directly to BOA by calling 888-449-2273, pressing 2 for English, then selecting options 4,2,1.
- When calling you will need to provide your PCard number and as much information regarding transactions as possible.
- For security questions, you may be asked for your employee ID (UFID). (Revised 12/2024)
Drones have become a popular tool for research activities. Their purchase and use are governed by both Environment Health and Safety and UF Research. The PCard may be used to purchase drones under the following conditions:
- With EH&S’s advanced approval. See their Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Policy & Procedures.
- Cannot be purchased from the manufacturer DJI or their subsidiaries, per UF Research – (Revised 8/2024)
PCard program participants must have and use a valid UF email address. Email is the primary communication tool used by the PCard Team and the bank so it is very important that you read all PCard related emails.
Do not email PCard numbers – Email is not a secure method to relay PCard numbers. If someone asks that you email your card number you should tell them that you will only give it to them by phone.
Emergency Purchases
In emergency situations, the PCard may be the most efficient way to purchase goods or services and the PCard Team will work with departments as needed. This may mean increasing limits or lifting restrictions placed on PCards.
Step one – Call Procurement or the PCard Team at (352) 392-1331 and explain the situation. This is especially true in emergency situations when life, property, or research are threatened.
Step two -For audit purposes, special requests must be documented so a written request is required. The PCard Team will email a list of questions which must be answered. For emergencies situations this can be completed after the fact. (Revised 7/2020)
Exception Request
To request a temporary limit increase or purchase exception, submit a ticket 2-3 days prior to the anticipated charge date through the PCard and Travel Support Contact Form and select “PCard Temporary Limit Increase/Exception” from the “Need assistance with” drop-down menu. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response. (Revised 8/2024)
Expenditure Policy, UF
The university has many different types of expenditures. They all have their own guidelines regarding what situations are allowed and how payments should be processed. See UF Expenditure Policy for details. (Revised 1/2022)
Expense Types
(UF GO) – A UF GO expense type Is a broad descriptive category used to identify the nature of what was purchased. In myUFL they were called Account Codes and were numeric. See the Expense Type to myUFL Account Code Crosswalk for assistance in determining correct UF GO Expense Types. (Revised 7/2023)
Expiration Dates
PCards expire the last day of the expiration month.
Renewal cards are sent to cardholders at the beginning of the month prior to the expiration month. Cardholders are notified by email when their card is due to expire, when they should expect to receive the renewal card, and how to activate it once received. Contact the PCard Team if you have any concerns regarding an expiring card.
Expiring Cards/Renewals
The bank automatically sends renewal cards at the beginning of the month prior to expiration. If a card expires in July, the new card is sent at the beginning of June.
Expiring cards can be used until the last day of the expiration month or until the new card activated.
Activate a new card by following the activation options listed on the mailer that came with the card. You may be asked to provide the following security information:
- Verification ID which is zero followed by your UFID
- PCard phone number which is 352-392-1331
The old card should be destroyed.
Fraudulent Charges
There are two kinds of fraudulent charges:
- Outside Fraud – Charges made by someone other than the cardholder. For example, the card was stolen and used. Contact the PCard Team immediately at 352-392-1331 or email The PCard Team will notify the bank who will close the account and send a new card. If it is after business hours call 888-449-2273.
- Employee Fraud – Charges made by a cardholder for their personal gain. If you suspect someone is committing employee fraud or using their PCard inappropriately, please report it immediately. You may report it to the PCard Team at (352)392-1331 or, or to the UF Compliance Hotline at 1(877)556-5356.
Fraudulent charges should not be approved until the bank issued credit post. For fraudulent charges pending approval in UF GO, add a note in the description field that the charge is fraudulent but do not approve it. Once the credits post, approve the debits and credits at the same time. The related transactions should be submitted on a single PCard Expense Report, not combined with any other valid transactions. In UF GO expense reports must have supporting documentation. In the case of fraud, use the email communications between cardholders and delegates/approvers may be used. For expense type use “Fraudulent/Disputed PCard Charge”. (Revised 7/2023)
Fund Codes
A Fund code is a value that identifies the source and intended purpose of monies and how they should be spent. Monies come to the University from a variety of sources and are “deposited” into Funds, which are identified by the different Fund codes, depending on the source and how the resources can be used.
Fund accounting lets the University track financial transactions in a way that supports accountability, by separately accounting for specific activities in the General Ledger in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations.
For more information visit F&A’s Fund webpage (Revised 7/2023)
The PCard can be used to pay hotels. See the Lodging section of the Travel Expense Directives for details (Revised 7/2023)
Hotel/Lodging for Another Traveler
The PCard can be used to pay lodging for other travelers. See the Traveler Types section of the Travel Expense Directives for details (Revised 7/2023)
Internal Control Checklist
The Internal Control Checklist is a tool used to help evaluate and strengthen internal controls, promote effective and efficient business practices, and improve compliance. The checklist is meant to be informative when reviewing controls in a given area. The Internal Controls Checklist is similar to what auditors might use when performing a review of a department’s internal controls.
See Finance & Accounting’s Internal Control Checklist website for additional information. (Revised 7/2020)
International Transaction Fees
Charges made to vendors located outside of the US are assessed an international transaction fee by our bank of approximately 1%. In UF GO, it will appear as a separate transaction. Receipts are not available for these fees, however UF GO requires documentation be attached to process the charge. When processing the fee, use the same documentation that is attached to the related transaction.
Instruction Guides
Visit the UF GO Toolkit for instructions on applying for or updating a PCard (Expense), accessing UF GO and setting up your UF GO profile and delegates (Profile), managing receipts and processing PCard transactions in UF GO (Expense), approving expense reports (Approvals), and more. Select a module to discover what materials are available for each module. (Revised 9/2024)
Limits on Pcard
Limits are selected by the department at the time a PCard Application is completed. Those limits are then approved by the UF GO Financial Approver when they approve the application.
Careful consideration should be taken when choosing card limits. Limits should be as low as possible but adequate for a cardholder’s purchasing needs. To limit risk, both the single and cycle limits should be as low as possible.
There are two types of card limits:
- Single Transaction Limit: This is the amount any one transaction cannot exceed – think of it as per swipe of the card. Any charge over this amount will be declined.
- Cycle Limit: This is the total dollar limit of all transactions that can be made in a seven-day period, Wednesday through Tuesday. Charges which will cause the cycle limit to be exceeded will be declined.
Limit options are:
$500 single with $1,000 cycle
$500 single with $2,500 cycle
$1,000 single with $2,500 cycle
$1,000 single with $5000 cycle
$2,000single with $5,000 cycle
$2,000 single with $10,000 cycle
PCards do not have a daily limit.
Frequent declines due to limits can be considered misuse. If the limits are not adequate you may wish to request a limit increase by submitting an updated PCard Application.
Asking the vendor to split a charge into multiple transactions to circumvent transaction limits is prohibited and is considered misuse. Misuse can result in the suspension or revocation of PCard privileges. (Revised 1/2022)
Lost/Stolen PCards
If a PCard is lost or stolen immediately contact the PCard Team to report the incident. Our contact information is 352-392-1331 or
After hours, call Customer Service at (888) 449-2273.
The cardholder will be asked to go over the most recent activity to determine if the card has been used fraudulently.
The existing account will be closed and a new card with a new card number will be issued. The PIN will not change. (Revised 7/2023)
Information on memberships can be found on Finance and Accounting’s Expenditure Directives.
Misuse of PCard
PCard misuse includes, but is not limited to:
- Fraud – using the card for personal gain
- Falsification of records
- Card sharing – allowing others to use the card or account number
- Repeated non-compliance with processes and procedures
- Negligence in performance of Cardholder, Delegate and/or Approver duties
- Making charges with a business entity in which they have a personal interest (Revised 7/2023)
Misuse Penalties
If a cardholder misuses their PCard, written notification is sent to the cardholder, their Dean, Director, or Department Head, and it may go to the Office of Internal Audit.
Cardholders are required to reimburse the University for inappropriate charges. If reimbursement is not made, their debt will be deducted from their salary warrant. As noted in the PCard Training (UGO500) cardholder’s employment may be terminated and may be prosecuted to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Please visit for more information about reporting actions that concern you. If you are not comfortable reporting your concern via normal administrative channels, the University has established two methods to report your concerns of suspected wrongdoing. You can call the University Compliance Hotline at 1-877-556-5356, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can also complete an anonymous online form using the Online Reporting Service. (Revised 7/2023)
Mobile Alerts
Get real-time notifications about your PCard activity. You can set up account and transaction alerts and designate specific methods of delivery (email or text). This includes suspicious activity alerts which are very helpful when traveling, especially internationally. The bank will notify you directly if they identify unusual or suspicious activity.
See the BOA How to set up alerts in Global Card Access quick start guide for step-by-step instructions and FAQs.
Please note alerts will come from Bank of America not the PCard Team. (Revised 3/2024)
myUF Marketplace
myUF Marketplace is UF’s online marketplace designed to streamline the purchase of goods and services. It is accessed via myUFL. Click myUF Marketplace for information.
The PCard cannot be used in myUF Marketplace.
The Marketplace must be used when purchasing from Marketplace enabled vendors. The PCard cannot be used to circumvent using the Marketplace.
OnBase-Supporting Documentation
OnBase is the tool UF uses to store supporting documentation for financial transactions, including PCard transactions. Once a PCard Only expense report is approved in UF GO, a voucher is created and documents from the expense report are imported into OnBase. Systemically, multiple documents from expense reports are rolled into one document then attached to the voucher. If you need to review documents for expense reports it is easier in UF GO rather than looking at a voucher. OnBase allows broad accessibility to view supporting documentation.
For instruction on how to review documentation for transactions that were processed in myUFL see the Retrieving PCard Documentation Via OnBase PDF Instruction Guide. DSOs – See the Attaching Documentation to PCard Transactions Via OnBase PDF .
Information about OnBase see UFIT’s Enterprise Document Management’s FAQS found here >
Information about vouchers can be found here >
PayPal is an online payment system which processes payments on behalf of merchants. The PCard can be used to make purchases with merchants who use PayPal. Most often, the charge will appear on the reconcile statement as “Paypal” or “PP” followed by the merchant’s name, i.e. “Paypal Altasystems”.
You must create a “UF account” that is used ONLY for official UF business purchases and is tied to your UF email address. If you have a PayPal account you use for personal purchases, you must create a separate account for your UF business purchases.(Revised 7/2023)
Personal Purchases
It is a serious violation to use the PCard for personal purchases. It could result in the suspension or loss of PCard privileges. In the event of a personal charge:
- The PCard Team should be notified immediately.
- The expense must be reimbursed within five business days.
- Proof of reimbursement is required. A copy of the completed Deposit Transmittal form must be included with the supporting documentation. See the Deposits Toolkit more information.
Note: personal expenses will create a Journal Entry instead of a voucher. To look up the JE after the expense report has been fully approved, you can use the UFGO_TRAVEL_RECEIVABLE_138600 query in myUFL. This JE number will be used to identify the transaction on the deposit form.(Revised 7/2023)
PCards have PINs, a Personal Identification Number. Some merchants may require a PIN to make a purchase. New cardholders will choose their PIN when they activate their card. Call 888-233-8855 and follow the prompts. You will need to enter your Account Number, which is your 16-digit credit card number, your Verification ID which is zero followed by UFID, and possibly the PCard phone number which is 352-392-1331.
If you do not know your PIN call the number on the back of your card and follow the prompts to select the PIN change option. Or you can get a reminder from BOA’s Global Card Access website. See the Registering and Retrieving Your PCard PIN Instruction Guide or BOA’s Register as a new user for Global Card Access Video Tutorial
Though PCards have PINs they are a credit card, not a debit card. When making a charge at a terminal, always select “credit”. If prompted enter your PIN. Some gas pumps may require a PIN rather than a zip code. After putting the card in the pump select “credit”. Look closely at the screen to see which number is required. (1/26/2022)
Queries – myUFL
- Most myUFL queries related to PCard transactions are now obsolete. The UF_PCARD_DEPT_ANALYSIS query can still be used to find transactions processed by BU or by individual cardholder.
Quote Requirements
Quote Requirements – See Section 8 Monetary Levels and Limits of the Procurement Directives and Procedures | UF Procurement UF Procurement ( website. (Revised 4/2022)
Receipt Requirements
Receipts are critical to the success of the PCard program. Accurate, detailed records of PCard purchases are required so they may be reviewed for compliance with applicable PCard, UF and State requirements. Be mindful that charges are not only audited by the PCard Team, but also by UF and State auditors.
Cardholders must submit their receipts within five business days of making a charge.
PCard transactions require a receipt or some form of supporting documentation. There is a variety of acceptable documentation. Regardless of format, documents must be legible, contain basic information about the charge, and acknowledge the receipt of goods.
The best receipts include details of the purchase:
- Unit Cost of each item purchased
- Description of each item purchased
- Total cost of purchase
- Vendor name and address
- Date of purchase and/or
- Date of Goods Received
- Cardholder’s signature – written or electronic (email or text)
Examples of acceptable types of documents include:
- Electronic or paper receipts and invoices
- Packing slips
- Completed electronic order forms and confirmations from online orders/shopping
- Snap shots of receipts from a smart device (this also provides an electronic signature from the cardholder)
- Email or text messages from the cardholder (this also provides an electronic signature from the cardholder)
There are a few types of transactions that do not require supporting documentation because they directly relate to another transaction which has documentation. Examples are:
- International Transaction Fees
- Offsetting Transactions (where the sum total of transactions sum to zero)
- Credits for sales tax or similar
- Agent, baggage, or transportation charges $25.00 and under
Documentation must support the purchase as being for official University business. (Revised 2/2022)
Receipt Retention
- Once receipts and other supporting documentation have been attached to transactions in the PCard Module in myUFL the documents can be destroyed. The image becomes the official record and is maintained in accordance with Florida Record Retention policies, FL St Chapter 119.
Other important receipt requirements:
- Cardholders and/or the person actually receiving the goods should sign the receipt or other supporting documentation. These signatures certify the attached documentation represents payment for PCard charges that have been received, are appropriate expenditures in accordance with PCard training, and provide a direct benefit to the University.
- For payments made in advance, such as airline tickets or registration fees, the cardholder must sign the supporting documentation as statement that the charge is for official business.
- Cardholders MUST give their receipts or appropriate purchase documentation to their reconcilers /approver within five business days of making a purchase.
- For travel expenses which require a Travel Authorization, the TA number should be written on the receipt or invoice.
If receipts are not in good order, and/or PCard transactions are not approved in a timely manner, it is considered misuse of the PCard.
Receipt of Goods
Once you have your items:
- Sign the receipt.
- Record the day you received the product on the receipt or packing list.
- Keep all the shipping boxes the product arrived in. Don’t throw away the packing materials until you have confirmed there are no problems with the order.
- Ensure that you/your reconciler has a complete receipt.
- Ensure the transaction is processed within 15 calendar days.
Expiring Cards/Renewals
The bank automatically sends renewal cards at the beginning of the month prior to expiration. If a card expires in July, the new card is sent at the beginning of June.
Expiring cards can be used until the last day of the expiration month or until the new card received and activated.
Activate the new card by following the activation options listed on the mailer that came with the card. You may be asked to provide the following security information:
- Verification ID which is zero followed by your UFID
- PCard phone number which is 352-392-1331
The old card should be destroyed. (Revised 7/2023)
For the most up-to-date listing of available reports, visit the UFGO Reports web page.
Retrieving PCard Receipts in myUFL by the TXN Number
To review supporting documentation for PCard transactions processed prior to the implementation of UF GO in April 2023 when you have the transaction TXN number, see the instruction guide on Retrieving PCard Receipts in myUFL by the TXN Number.
Security Roles
For details regarding UF GO security roles, see the UF GO Roles page Roles | CFO CFO (
Shipping Address
Official UF business purchases should not be sent to a cardholder’s home address. It is inappropriate and may give the appearance of impropriety.
Delegates/approvers should be mindful of where items are shipped and clarify if unsure. Purchases shipped to addresses other than UF or affiliated address should be the exception and for documented extenuating circumstance. (Revised 7/2023)
Splitting is intentionally dividing a charge into multiple smaller transactions to circumvent a card’s single transaction limit. Splitting charges is considered misuse and can lead to suspension or revocation of PCard privileges. Charges over your single transaction limit should be made via Purchase Order. If for some reason a purchase order cannot be used, a temporary limit increase can be requested by sending an email to the PCard Team, see Limits – Temporary Increase Request
Transactions where the merchant name is preceded by “SQ”, i.e. SQ Airport Taxi, are ones which were processed via a card reader which are attached to cell phones or tablets.
If you need to retrieve a receipt for one of these transactions go to “”, enter the amount and date of the charge, the last four digits of the card number and the card expiration date. An electronic version of the receipt, including your signature, will appear.
Stolen/Lost PCard
In the event a PCard is lost or stolen, the cardholder should immediately contact the bank at 1 (888) 449-2273 to report the incident. The PCard Team should then be notified as soon as possible, along with the cardholder’s delegate and/or approver.
To determine if any fraudulent charges were made, the cardholder will be asked to go over their most recent charges. The existing account will be closed and a new card with a new account number will be created. The new card will be sent to the cardholder’s PCard billing address. It is possible to request an expedited replacement card, but the department is responsible for covering any associated fees. (Revised 9/2024)
Cardholders may have their PCard privileges suspended or revoked for violating PCard policy. Some grounds for suspension are purchasing prohibited items (see Non-Allowable Purchases), personal purchases, charges not being processed timely, late submission of receipts, etc. The length of a suspension depends on the nature and severity of the violation.
To avoid suspension, make sure your receipts are turned in and charges approved timely and be sure what you are buying is PCard allowable. If you are unsure if a purchase is PCard allowable please refer to the Allowable Purchases, Conditional Purchases, and Non-Allowable Purchases of the PCard Index, or contact us at (Revised 7/2023)
Tax Exempt
As an entity of the State of Florida, the University is exempt from paying FLORIDA sales tax. If you are making purchases from an in-state vendor, tell them your purchase is exempt from Florida sales tax. However, vendors have the right to charge tax if they wish. We are responsible for paying other taxes such as hotel and gasoline taxes.
The University’s tax exemption number is imprinted on the PCard, however, some vendors may want a copy of the tax exemption certificate. We can provide you with a wallet-sized tax-exempt card or a full size copy available here Consumer’s Certificate of Exemption.
It is a best practice to ask out-of-state merchants if they will honor the University’s tax-exempt status. Many states have reciprocal agreements with the State of Florida. But don’t worry if an out of state merchant denies your request. (Revised 7/2023)
Temporary Limit Increase
Sometimes there are situations in which a purchase order cannot be used, e.g., a vendor will not accept a purchase order or there is an emergency need. In those cases, cardholders can request an except to PCard limits or policy. To request a temporary limit increase or purchase exception, submit a ticket 2-3 days prior to the anticipated charge date through the PCard and Travel Support Contact Form and select “PCard Temporary Limit Increase/Exception” from the “Need assistance with” drop-down menu. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response. (Revised 8/2024)
Termination of Employment
When an employee’s employment is terminated for any reason, notify the PCard Team as soon as possible. Notice may be sent by the cardholder or the department.
• Stop using the card immediately.
• Email the name, UFID, reason the card is being canceled (retirement, termination, job change, etc.).
• All receipts for outstanding charges must be submitted prior to termination date. Failure to do so could result in unreconciled charges being deducted from the employee’s exit paycheck.
• The card should be destroyed.
Transaction Numbers (TXN)
Transaction numbers, called TXNs, are a unique number assigned to each PCard transaction in myUFL. UF GO does not use TXNs.
If searching for past transactions, those that were processed in myUFL, having the TXN is helpful. TXNs can be found by running the myUFL UF_PCARD_DEPT_ANALYSIS query
Transfer, Department
If a cardholder is transferring to another department that will also require them to have a PCard, their existing card should be transferred to the new department once their position has been updated with UF HR. This allows the cardholder to begin their purchasing duties as soon as they start their new position and is more efficient than ordering a new card.
The cardholder/old department:
- Best practice is to stop making charges for at least two weeks before the transfer.
- Dissociate card with any merchants who automatically charge, i.e., FedEx, monthly services, or annual renewals.
- Submit/process outstanding charges before leaving.
- It is the cardholder’s responsibility to ensure charges are submitted timely, regardless of what department they are affiliated with.
- It is the old department’s responsibility to ensure they continue to approve any transactions made on the department’s behalf, even if the charge(s) post(s) to UF GO after the cardholder has left the unit.
The new department/cardholder:
- Submit an updated PCard Application in myUFL. Instructions are available in the UF GO Expense Toolkit: Update Existing Card.
- The cardholder will be notified when the transfer is complete.
- The cardholder can add delegates as needed to allow their new department to begin processing their new charges and should work with their new department’s fiscal staff to ensure they add the correct individuals as delegates. Instructions are available in the UF GO Profile Toolkit: Manage Delegates. Delegates from their old department can be removed when all charges for that unit have been fully approved. (Revised 9/2024)
Travel Directives and Procedures
To find the most up-to-date travel directives, visit the Directives section of the UF GO Travel and Expense page of the CFO’s website at Travel Directives and Procedures (Revised 8/2024)
UF GO is a unified travel and PCard system through which UF faculty and staff will reconcile PCard charges, complete travel requests (previously known as “travel authorizations”), and file travel expense reports. For details about the UF GO initiative, please see the UF GO website at UF-GO (Revised 1/2023)
Verification ID
Verification IDs are zero followed by the cardholder’s UFID, i.e. 012345678, and are needed when activating a PCard and registering a PIN number. (Revised 7/2023)
Voucher are payment documents containing supporting documentation for financial transactions. Vouchers are created after an expense report is approved. Information about vouchers can be found via this link
Voucher Errors – Instructions on how to find UF GO vouchers in error can be found on the UF GO Vouchers section of the UF GO Reports guide found via this link – ACT AS A DELEGATE (
Last revised 9/18/24